Mistress Daily
Lucy Brainstormer
[A time-traveling girl from an aristocratic family + rebirth + daily life of an antique and leisurely mistress] Lu Lingjun and her sister-in-law Lu Hanyi were born in pairs. In her previous life, she married the second son of a sixth-grade civil servant, and her eldest sister married the eldest son of the Hou family. Everyone said that her eldest sister married well. But who would have expected that in the end, the second son of a civil servant married by Lu Lingjun became the prime minister, and he even asked for a imperial concubine for Lu Lingjun. However, the eldest sister, unable to defeat the prince's love for his concubine, forced the two to elope, and ended up being a widow for the rest of her life. Lu Lingjun lived a glorious life, but when he opened his eyes again, he found that he was back to the time when he was sixteen years old and had just proposed marriage. The sister-in-law grabbed her potential share first and gave up the wife of the prince of the Hou family to Lu Lingyun. Lu Lingjun smiled lightly when he saw this. Grab it, grab it, she will find out in the future that Li Er can become the prime minister and can ask for his wife's royal decree because she planned and paved the way for him. Without her, Li Wenxun would only have the strength of a sixth-grade official at best. The imperial title that my sister-in-law wanted was even more impossible. But if she robs her of marriage, then Lu Lingjun will be the mistress of the Hou Mansion in this life, a more glorious mistress of the Hou Mansion.
L'histoire est remplie de surprises et de personnages attachants. Une lecture vraiment mémorable !
¡Una obra maestra llena de emoción y aventura!
캐릭터 간의 관계가 매우 섬세하게 묘사되어 있어, 감정적으로 깊이 연결되었습니다.
La forma en que el autor describe los paisajes es simplemente mágica. ¡Es como estar allí!
Un capolavoro che consiglio a tutti gli amanti della lettura.
An absolutely captivating story that kept me hooked till the last page!
Das Buch hat mich von der ersten bis zur letzten Seite gefesselt! Ein wahres Meisterwerk.
Die detaillierten Beschreibungen der Welt und der Charaktere machen das Buch zu einem Muss!
Die Art und Weise, wie die Geschichte erzählt wird, ist so lebendig und faszinierend. Ich bin begeistert!
Le développement des personnages est exceptionnel, et l'intrigue est tout simplement magnifique.
Cada capítulo me ha dejado con ganas de seguir leyendo, ¡simplemente no puedo parar!
Ce roman est un véritable bijou littéraire, un régal à lire!
Uma narrativa envolvente que me deixou sem fôlego!
¡Me encantó cómo el autor juega con el tiempo y el espacio! Una experiencia única de lectura.
Un chef-d'œuvre littéraire rempli de poésie et de passion. J'ai adoré chaque moment !
La narrativa es fluida y las descripciones son tan vívidas que te hacen sentir parte del mundo. ¡Qué obra maestra!
Ogni pagina di questo libro è una sorpresa, con momenti commoventi e drammatici che lasciano senza fiato.
This story masterfully intertwines intricate emotions with a captivating plot. Absolutely unputdownable!
¡Qué historia tan emocionante! Me encanta la forma en que el autor juega con las emociones de los personajes.
Le suspense est parfaitement dosé, rendant chaque chapitre passionnant à lire.

Chapter 1: **Chapter 1: Rebirth and Marriage Exchange**

After the spring banquet concluded, her younger sister begged their mother to exchange name invitations between the two families, and Lu Lingjun realized that she too had been reborn.

In her previous life, she and Lu Hanyi had both been favored by high-ranking families at the spring banquet; one was the distinguished Ningyang Marquis family, which had a long history of notable achievements, and the other was the Li family, with the sixth-rank Minister of Rites. The Lu family held the position of fifth-rank Hanlin scholar; although they were of the fifth rank and held a significant position, they were essentially a scholarly family without power or influence. For their children to marry a sixth-rank official was already considered a suitable match.

The Ningyang Marquis family was a prestigious lineage that the Lu family could not even dream of. However, the Ningyang Marquis family had their reasons for being interested in the smaller Lu family; their young heir had a favored concubine whom he doted on excessively. This concubine had come from a brothel, and the young master had once furiously smashed a tavern for her, spending lavishly to secure her release and bring her into the household. He had boldly declared that he would be with her for a lifetime, which infuriated the Marquis's wife to the point of illness several times.

Such behavior had long caused families of similar standing to the Ningyang Marquis family to shake their heads in disdain, fearing to marry off their precious daughters to someone who would suffer such indignities. Unable to find a matching family, the Marquis's wife lowered her sights and only sought a daughter-in-law who could stabilize the household—someone wise, capable, and virtuous. Thus, at the spring banquet, they set their sights on the Lu family.

Despite the Ningyang Marquis family being such a prestigious match, it was a great opportunity for the Lu family. Unfortunately, it was not meant for Lu Lingjun. Lu Lingjun was the eldest daughter of the Lu family, but her biological mother had passed away early, and now the household was run by her stepmother. Such an excellent marriage proposal naturally fell to her biological sister, Lu Hanyi.

In her previous life, she was arranged to marry into the family of the minister, while her younger sister Lu Hanyi married into the Ningyang Marquis family. Due to the young master's excessive affection for his concubine, the Marquis's in-laws were especially lenient with Lu Hanyi, granting her the authority to manage the household early on and supporting her in all matters, even siding with her in conflicts with the young master regardless of the reasons.

For a time, Lu Hanyi basked in glory, living a comfortable life. However, this good fortune did not last long. Relying on her in-laws' favoritism, she became increasingly intolerant of the concubine, provoking her at every turn, determined to drive her out. Ironically, her harassment only strengthened the bond between the young master and his concubine. After a significant uproar, the young master, in a fit of anger, eloped with the concubine.

Afterward, she became the sinner of the Marquis's household. Her in-laws were utterly disappointed in her, stripping her of her authority in managing the household and relegating her to a life of emotional widowhood in the courtyard. Meanwhile, Lu Lingjun, after marrying the second son of the Li family, was thriving. A year later, Li Wenxun became the top scholar, greatly favored by the emperor, and was appointed as a county magistrate in Jiangnan.

This appointment was not to be taken lightly; it was seen as a gilded path filled with high expectations. Especially moving to Jiangnan, Li Wenxun met those expectations, achieving numerous accomplishments and rising rapidly from county magistrate to prefect, then to inspector of Jiangnan, and eventually back to the capital. Upon entering the capital, he became a fourth-rank censor, greatly valued by the emperor, and went on to attain unparalleled success, eventually reaching the high rank of prime minister, a position not inferior to that of the Marquis's family.

Lu Lingjun rose alongside Li Wenxun, even being granted a noble title by him, truly enjoying unparalleled glory. As for Lu Hanyi, at that time, she was still confined in the Marquis's courtyard, living a life of emotional widowhood, listening daily to the deep affection between her elder sister and her husband, the wealth and splendor they enjoyed, often laughing madly, and soon after, she died suddenly.

Lu Lingjun had no time to lament this, and not long after, she succumbed to a lingering illness that had long plagued her, passing away as well. When she opened her eyes again, Lu Lingjun found herself back at sixteen, during the time of her marriage proposal.

Just as she was astonished to find herself back in her youth, she heard her personal maid Zhiran reporting to her. "Miss, just now the second young lady went to the madam, crying, saying she would rather die than marry into the Ningyang Marquis family and insisted on marrying the second young master of the Li family."

Lu Lingjun was momentarily stunned, then smiled. It seemed that this rare occurrence of rebirth was not hers alone; her younger sister had also been reborn.

"Miss, why are you still smiling? The second young lady has always loved to compete with you for rouge, jewelry, and various decorations; she wants everything she lays her eyes on. Now she even wants to compete for a marriage proposal!"

"The lady of the Li family has specifically shown interest in you. Although the Li family’s status is not as high as that of the Ningyang Marquis family, the second young master of the Li family is both talented and virtuous. The master praises him endlessly; he is bound to be a dragon among men in the future, and he is free from the sordid affairs of the inner chambers. Who doesn't know he is far superior to that young master? She must have seen this and is trying to compete with you."

Zhiran became increasingly aggrieved. Lu Lingjun looked at her, smiled gently, and stood up. "If she wants to compete, then let her."

"But... this is a matter of a lifetime!" Zhiran felt deeply pained for her mistress.

"You've said it yourself, a lifetime is still a long time."

Gazing up at the rolling clouds, Lu Lingjun smiled faintly. Let her compete if she wants. Because in the future, she would come to know that the reason Li Wenxun could rise to a high position and bestow a noble title upon his wife was not solely due to Li Wenxun himself, but rather because of her, Lu Lingjun.

It was she who had paved the way for Li Wenxun step by step, helping him ascend to greatness and earning all the glory for herself. Did her dear sister really think that stealing a man would allow her to steal a life?

If she wanted to compete, then let her. Lu Lingjun would wait to see how Lu Hanyi would react when she discovered that everything was completely different from her previous life. Just the kindness of the Li family would be enough to shatter her illusions.

As for the Ningyang Marquis family, she truly felt it was a hundred times better than the Li family. With kind in-laws and an honorable household, this was the aspiration of countless people in their lifetimes. And if her husband had a beloved concubine, wouldn’t that make things easier?

Lu Lingjun had no desire for love in her life; she only wanted to be the matriarch, to be the most glorious and honorable matriarch.

"Alright, let’s go back and check the accounts."

After Lu Lingjun finished speaking, she took Zhiran back to their quarters.

Days passed in a blur.

Lu Lingjun pretended not to know about the situation, content to remain in the inner courtyard, checking the accounts and tending to the flowers. She had no idea how Lu Hanyi had persuaded their mother or how the Lu family had communicated with the two families, but the name invitations had indeed been exchanged.

When she received the notification, the match had been completed, all of them being highly auspicious. All three families were happily preparing for the marriages.

"Lingjun, Pingniang has regarded you as her own since you were young, caring for you in every way. Now your mother has found you a good marriage; the Ningyang Marquis family is full of glory, and the young master of the Ningyang Marquis family is their only son, proposing to you as his wife. How do you feel about this?"

Seated high, Lu Father spoke.

Beside him, her stepmother, Mrs. Liu, wiped her tears, looking content. "It’s a small matter for me to endure some hardship. The big matter is to fulfill my sister's wish and find a good marriage for Lingjun. The Ningyang Marquis family has such a great lineage, and to be favored by them is indeed an incredible blessing."

As Lu Lingjun listened to her father and stepmother's words in the room, she couldn't help but smile.

In her previous life, when they arranged for her to marry into the Li family, they did not speak this way at all. They constantly belittled the Ningyang Marquis family, portraying it as worthless, while elevating the Li family, praising their character, as if they were afraid of pushing her into a fire pit.

Lu Lingjun showed no change in her expression, replying gently, "All depends on my parents' decision."

Seeing her behave this way, Lu Father and stepmother Mrs. Liu nodded repeatedly, exchanging satisfied glances.

Lu Lingjun had always been sensible and well-behaved since childhood, never competing or fighting; they were at ease no matter where she married.

Of course, it was only because Lu Hanyi, their precious daughter, desperately did not want this excellent marriage that it fell to her.

Mrs. Liu stood up and took Lu Lingjun's hand. "Lingjun, although your sister has not been by your side since you were young, you must always remember that the Lu family is your home. After you marry, you must take care of your sisters and support the family. We must always be united as one family, sharing both honor and disgrace."


Lu Lingjun remained obedient.

Her compliance brought great joy to Lu Father and Mrs. Liu. Mrs. Liu immediately gifted Lu Lingjun several pieces of precious jewelry as a bridal adornment, while Lu Father stated that he would give Lu Lingjun the most generous dowry, ensuring she married with great splendor.

Lu Lingjun's lips curved slightly as she gazed at the exquisite green bracelet on her wrist, a genuine happiness surfacing in her eyes.

Everything else was fleeting; only gold and silver were real.

She sought some cleverness, securing something practical for herself.

After all, in her previous life, her dowry had been far inferior to Lu Hanyi's. Today, with her display of obedience, the Lu family would certainly not fall short of her dowry by even the slightest bit.

It would only be more than last time, not less.

Lowering her eyes with a smile, she suddenly felt a gaze fall upon her; when Lu Lingjun looked up, she met Lu Hanyi's eyes.

Giovanni Rossi
Un capolavoro che consiglio a tutti gli amanti della lettura.
20 days ago
9 days ago
15 days ago
캐릭터 간의 관계가 매우 섬세하게 묘사되어 있어, 감정적으로 깊이 연결되었습니다.
8 days ago
Sophie Martin
L'histoire est remplie de surprises et de personnages attachants. Une lecture vraiment mémorable !
17 days ago
Emma Thompson
An absolutely captivating story that kept me hooked till the last page!
19 days ago
15 days ago
Carlos Rodríguez
¡Una obra maestra llena de emoción y aventura!
7 days ago
19 days ago
Fernando Ruiz
La forma en que el autor describe los paisajes es simplemente mágica. ¡Es como estar allí!
11 days ago