Emperor’s Domination
Lucy Brainstormer
Ten million years ago, Li Qiye planted a stalk of emerald bamboo. Eight million years ago, Li Qiye raised a single carp. Five million years ago, Li Qiye adopted a young girl. Today, Li Qiye awoke to find the emerald bamboo had cultivated itself into a divine spirit, the carp had transformed into a golden dragon, and the young girl had become the Empress of the Nine Realms.
Een meeslepend verhaal dat je niet kunt neerleggen.
캐릭터 간의 관계가 매우 섬세하게 묘사되어 있어, 감정적으로 깊이 연결되었습니다.
The story’s pacing is impeccable, keeping me on the edge of my seat throughout the entire book!
Das Buch hat mich von der ersten bis zur letzten Seite gefesselt! Ein wahres Meisterwerk.
Storia bellissima, piena di emozioni e colpi di scena! Non vedo l'ora di leggere il prossimo capitolo.
¡Qué historia tan emocionante! Me encanta la forma en que el autor juega con las emociones de los personajes.
An absolutely captivating story that kept me hooked till the last page!
¡Una obra maestra llena de emoción y aventura!
Die detaillierten Beschreibungen der Welt und der Charaktere machen das Buch zu einem Muss!
Cada capítulo me ha dejado con ganas de seguir leyendo, ¡simplemente no puedo parar!
Ce roman est un véritable bijou littéraire, un régal à lire!
정말 감동적인 소설이에요. 마음에 깊은 울림을 주네요.
История, которая вдохновляет и дарит надежду.
선이 아름답고, 이야기의 전개가 매우 인상적입니다. 꼭 읽어보세요!
La narrativa es fluida y las descripciones son tan vívidas que te hacen sentir parte del mundo. ¡Qué obra maestra!
Une aventure palpitante du début à la fin, je suis totalement captivé par l'intrigue !
An inspirational tale that speaks to the heart.
Die Handlung ist spannend und die Charaktere sind wunderbar entwickelt. Ich kann es nur weiterempfehlen!
Le développement des personnages est exceptionnel, et l'intrigue est tout simplement magnifique.
Uma narrativa envolvente que me deixou sem fôlego!
Eine fesselnde Geschichte, die mein Herz berührt hat.
Le suspense est parfaitement dosé, rendant chaque chapitre passionnant à lire.
Die Geschichte hat mich von Anfang bis Ende fesselt. Ich bin gespannt, was als nächstes passiert.

Chapter 1: Prologue (A Must-Read for Readers, Very Important)


“Baa— baa— baa—” The sound of a sheep bleating echoed through the silent mountains.

Li Qiye climbed up the hillside, the night wind sharp and cold, yet he was sweating with anxiety. At thirteen years old, he scrambled up the mountain, feeling particularly lonely and eerie in the darkness that sent shivers down his spine.

Despite the terrifying night, impatience burned within him.

Coming from a peasant family, Li Qiye had lived in poverty with his parents and had been herding sheep since he was seven. His family name was Li, and he was called Li Qiye because he cried for seven days and nights after he was born.

Today, like any other day, Li Qiye was herding sheep, but on the way back in the evening, he noticed one sheep was missing, which sent him into a panic. He hurried back to the hillside to search, but despite scouring the entire area, he couldn’t find the lost sheep.

Thinking about the ruthless landlord, Zhang, who would surely punish him for losing a sheep, anxiety and restlessness consumed him.

After searching the entire hillside without any sign of the sheep, he suddenly remembered one place he hadn’t checked—the Xianmo Cave!

Looking up at the dark valley ahead, it resembled a terrifying beast, ready to devour anyone who dared to approach. In the distance, he could faintly hear the howling of wolves and ghostly cries, and as he gazed at the mystical night surrounding the Xianmo Cave, he couldn’t help but shiver.

The Xianmo Cave was infamous in the area, said to be home to a demon that devoured anyone who entered; no one had ever come out alive.

However, at this moment, the crack of Zhang’s whip echoed in Li Qiye’s ears. Losing a sheep would surely mean a merciless whipping!

With that thought, Li Qiye gritted his teeth and walked toward the Xianmo Cave, which loomed like the gaping mouth of a beast. In the blink of an eye, he vanished into the night.

“Ah—” In the chilling night, a scream erupted from within the Xianmo Cave, followed by Li Qiye’s terrified voice: “W-what do you want—ah—” Then, the scream abruptly ceased.

“Good, good, good, my immortal shadow crow is finally refined; it only lacks a soul. Today, I shall borrow yours!” After an unknown time, a deep, sinister voice echoed from within the cave.

“Flap— flap— flap—” Before long, a flurry of wingbeats sounded, and a crow-like monster flew out of the Xianmo Cave.

“Fly, fly, I need your soul to remember the burial ground, to soar over the lost lands; as long as the Nine Realms exist, I will find it!” The deep, sinister voice reverberated from within the cave.

From then on, a shadow crow soared across the skies, traversing burial grounds, entering divine cities, crossing perilous domains... unable to control its own body, it flew through the Nine Realms, enduring countless trials, living on for millions of years without dying!

As time passed and eras changed, one invincible figure after another rose, while giants fell one by one.

Gradually, it became unclear when, but a mysterious crow began to appear, a crow that had broken free from its shackles, searching for a path to master its own fate.

From the Medicine God to the Flying Immortal Emperor, then to the Blood Seal Immortal Emperor, the Mingren Immortal Emperor, the Sun-Eating Immortal Emperor, and finally the Ice Feather Immortal Emperor... culminating with the Black Dragon King.

Behind each of these invincible giants lay the shadow of a crow, a crow searching for its own destiny.

Generations of invincible giants rose, while generations of deities fell into the void, yet, over millions of years, that crow still subtly appeared in the river of time.

An unwilling crow, defying its fate, battled against the most terrifying existence in the universe, influencing the changes of grand eras throughout the millennia!

Juan Martinez
¡Qué historia tan emocionante! Me encanta la forma en que el autor juega con las emociones de los personajes.
7 days ago
Luca Bianchi
Storia bellissima, piena di emozioni e colpi di scena! Non vedo l'ora di leggere il prossimo capitolo.
6 days ago
15 days ago
캐릭터 간의 관계가 매우 섬세하게 묘사되어 있어, 감정적으로 깊이 연결되었습니다.
8 days ago
Maximilian Fischer
Das Buch hat mich von der ersten bis zur letzten Seite gefesselt! Ein wahres Meisterwerk.
13 days ago
Emma Thompson
An absolutely captivating story that kept me hooked till the last page!
19 days ago
Carlos Rodríguez
¡Una obra maestra llena de emoción y aventura!
7 days ago
Johan De Vries
Een meeslepend verhaal dat je niet kunt neerleggen.
16 days ago
David Miller
The story’s pacing is impeccable, keeping me on the edge of my seat throughout the entire book!
6 days ago
8 days ago