Stuck as My Ex’s Lego Bunny
Cosmic Weaver
Imagine being a toy bunny asking your ex when they’re coming home... Yeah, that’s my life now. One morning, Min wakes up as a tiny Lego bunny—in his ex’s house, of all places! And not just any ex, but Sui, the one person he really didn’t want to deal with again. How’s Min supposed to survive as a toy in his ex’s apartment without losing his mind?
¡Una obra maestra llena de emoción y aventura!
¡Me encanta cómo se desarrollan los personajes a lo largo de la historia! Es una lectura fascinante.
L'histoire est magnifiquement écrite, j'ai adoré chaque page.
¡Me encantó cada momento de este libro, absolutamente recomendable!
Le suspense est parfaitement dosé, rendant chaque chapitre passionnant à lire.
Een meeslepend verhaal dat je niet kunt neerleggen.
캐릭터 간의 관계가 매우 섬세하게 묘사되어 있어, 감정적으로 깊이 연결되었습니다.
Un chef-d'œuvre littéraire rempli de poésie et de passion. J'ai adoré chaque moment !
Eine fesselnde Geschichte, die mein Herz berührt hat.
An inspirational tale that speaks to the heart.
Die Art und Weise, wie die Geschichte erzählt wird, ist so lebendig und faszinierend. Ich bin begeistert!
¡Qué historia tan emocionante! Me encanta la forma en que el autor juega con las emociones de los personajes.
Une aventure palpitante du début à la fin, je suis totalement captivé par l'intrigue !
Un roman très captivant, rempli d'émotions intenses. C'est définitivement un chef-d'œuvre !
La forma en que el autor describe los paisajes es simplemente mágica. ¡Es como estar allí!
Die Handlung ist spannend und die Charaktere sind wunderbar entwickelt. Ich kann es nur weiterempfehlen!
Die detaillierten Beschreibungen der Welt und der Charaktere machen das Buch zu einem Muss!
L'histoire est remplie de surprises et de personnages attachants. Une lecture vraiment mémorable !
Die Geschichte hat mich von Anfang bis Ende fesselt. Ich bin gespannt, was als nächstes passiert.
Ce roman est un véritable bijou littéraire, un régal à lire!
The depth of emotions in this novel is truly extraordinary. Every chapter left me wanting more!

Chapter 1: 01

Xie Min's eyes fluttered open as the world spun around him. He found himself surrounded by unfamiliar, oversized furniture - a massive coffee table and sofa loomed before him.

A towering housekeeper vigorously wiped down the gleaming tabletop, her cloth clutched tightly as she bent over her work.

Xie Min didn't recognize her or his surroundings. His last memory before blacking out was leaving work exhausted on Monday evening, driving to the squash court.

Halfway there, his father had called, asking about his new project and the conflict with his brother. Too tired to explain, Xie Min had given vague answers. Just as he hung up, an out-of-control truck barreled through an intersection.

His heart clenched in fear. He slammed the brakes and yanked the wheel left, but couldn't avoid the collision. The impact nearly shattered his organs, and the airbag exploded outward, striking his face and body.

Then he'd lost consciousness. He vaguely sensed his soul drifting before stumbling, dazed and confused, into this impossibly large room.

The Impressionist paintings, brown leather sofa, white wool carpet, and French herringbone floors matched Xie Min's sense of home decor - yet he was certain he'd never been here before.

As he stood stunned, the housekeeper finished wiping the coffee table.

She approached Xie Min, easily scooping up his small body. She covered his head with the damp cloth, gave him a thorough wipe, then set him back on the table next to an electronic clock with a reflective screen.

Xie Min leaned in to look at his reflection. At first, he didn't react, but after a moment he realized something was very wrong. He looked again and froze in shock.

Alarm bells rang in his mind as he stood paralyzed. He blinked and looked again. And again. No matter how many times he checked, the scene remained unchanged: in the reflection, he saw a small pink toy rabbit.

But this was no realistic plush toy.

It was assembled from smooth Lego plastic pieces, about half the clock's size. It had large upturned eyes with long lashes and a red nose. Its short front paws were tucked against its round, puffed-out chest, while its hind legs rested on the ground, giving it a spirited yet vulnerable appearance.

The toy design was intricate, with movable head and limbs. When Xie Min shook his head, the rabbit shook its head. When he wiggled his toes, the rabbit wiggled its toes.

Xie Min found it all rather absurd. Watching the rabbit's animated movements, like something from a cartoon, he couldn't tell if he was dreaming or awake. It felt too real to be a dream, yet too illogical to be reality.

After tidying up, the housekeeper left the house.

Try as he might, Xie Min couldn't make sense of the situation. Never one to sit idle, he decided to explore once he'd somewhat adjusted to his new rabbit body. He was no longer content with the small coffee table.

Looking around, Xie Min moved his hind legs to the table's edge. Closing his eyes, he leapt down onto the carpet below.

Though the wool was soft, the fall from over a meter high still left Xie Min's left rabbit leg loose. He struggled to drag his injured limb through the dense white fibers until he reached the wooden floor.

As a tiny Lego rabbit, the room seemed vast and endless to Xie Min, like an ocean stretching to the horizon. He inched forward for ages before finally reaching the doorway, where his path was blocked.

Xie Min made a small hop, intending to turn towards another room. But as he landed, his loosened leg suddenly popped off with a "click." Losing his balance, Xie Min only had time for a quick "Shit!" before tumbling sideways, transforming into a motionless, crippled little rabbit.

The last rays of sunset fell across Xie Min's body as he helplessly kicked his remaining leg. Suddenly, the room's double doors slid open. A sharply-dressed giant emerged from the elevator - it was Sui Yang, Xie Min's old acquaintance whom he hadn't seen in ages.

Completely caught off guard, Xie Min's heart leapt, causing his lone rabbit leg to twitch involuntarily.

Still arrogant as ever, Sui Yang strode in without noticing Xie Min on the floor. After a few steps, he stepped on the detached rabbit leg. Feeling something odd underfoot, he looked down and moved his foot, discovering the crippled little rabbit. Frowning, he bent down and picked up Xie Min, pinching his belly between long fingers to examine him closely.

His handling of the rabbit was rather impolite, but it gave Xie Min a chance to openly observe Sui Yang as well.

Sui Yang looked more mature and steady now, but not old. He was still strikingly handsome, his appearance as deceptive as ever. His face radiated honesty and trustworthiness, all a facade of course. Though Xie Min knew it was an act, he couldn't help but stare a bit longer.

Xie Min's excellent memory recalled their last encounter clearly: three years ago, when they had brushed past each other at an auction house.

Xie Min and Sui Yang's social circles didn't overlap much. They lived and worked in different cities, with few mutual new friends. Their old acquaintances all knew the two didn't get along, so social gatherings always had one or the other, never both.

That auction meeting had been pure chance. Though their seats weren't far apart, it was as if they existed in separate universes. No eye contact, no words exchanged.

Xie Min wasn't sure if Sui Yang had truly failed to notice him, but he himself had definitely been pretending.

Because acknowledging Sui Yang's presence would have meant greeting him, which would have led to even more pretense.

Feigning pleasant surprise, politeness, "long time no see," magnanimity. Xie Min was too straightforward for such posturing, unlike Sui Yang who excelled at putting on airs.

Even now, as Sui Yang examined the toy Lego rabbit in his hand, his expression seemed tinged with insincerity.

Sui Yang's lashes lowered slightly, likely puzzled by the strange appearance of this Lego rabbit on the entryway floor. His gaze held a hint of confusion.

Xie Min couldn't quite explain his motivations - perhaps a desire for revenge and intimidation, or an emotional reaction to this extreme situation of reuniting with Sui Yang. On impulse, he cleared his throat and said in a low voice: "Sui Yang."

The rabbit's voice emanated from its belly.

To Xie Min's ears, his voice sounded unchanged from when he was human.

Sui Yang's handsome face went pale almost instantly, his pupils dilating. Though the reaction lasted mere seconds, Xie Min felt a surge of satisfaction akin to sweet revenge. He continued in an eerie tone, "Do you know who I am?"

Sui Yang froze again, staring at Xie Min for a moment before suddenly looking around, searching for something as he asked in a deep voice, "Xie Min? Where are you?"

Xie Min hadn't expected Sui Yang to recognize his voice so quickly. He paused his prank.

"Xie Min?" Sui Yang called again, carrying Xie Min further into the room.

Sui Yang's grip was tight, nearly pulling Xie Min's pieces apart. As they moved away from his detached leg, Xie Min felt increasingly uncomfortable, as if his soul was being stretched. He called out again, "I'm in your hand! Stop walking! Sui Yang."

At this, Sui Yang halted. He turned his head, confirming the living room was empty, before looking down at his palm in disbelief. There sat the Lego rabbit, its posture twisted from Sui Yang's grip.

"Xie Min?" Sui Yang looked bewildered and confused, as if doubting his own sanity.

"Yeah, long time no see, Sui Yang," Xie Min said. "Um, my leg fell off onto the floor earlier. You stepped on it. Could you go pick it up and reattach it for me?"

Sui Yang stared at Xie Min a moment longer, his expression indescribably strange. He slowly walked back, scanning the floor until he found and retrieved the rabbit leg. He carefully reattached it to Xie Min's body.

Xie Min politely thanked Sui Yang, but the man ignored him. He set Xie Min down on the coffee table and fled the living room like a man escaping disaster.

Xie Min called after him, but Sui Yang paid no attention.

The living room fell silent once more. Feeling bored, Xie Min wandered across the vast expanse of the coffee table.

Sui Yang had reattached his leg securely. Xie Min hopped around, his plastic feet making crisp "tock tock" sounds against the glass tabletop.

After a few laps, Xie Min suddenly heard noise coming from the hallway. He turned to look.

Sui Yang had taken a shower and now wore a bathrobe. His hair was still dripping as he hurried back to the coffee table and picked up Xie Min again.

His hands were wet, his face still damp. The living room lights remained off, with only the fading orange sunset streaming through the floor-to-ceiling windows, casting deep shadows across Sui Yang's features.

Xie Min sat quietly in his hand for a moment, basking in the sunset glow. Feeling unstable suspended in mid-air, he wiggled his short front paws, grasping at Sui Yang's fingers.

Sui Yang gave a slight start. His lips parted as he asked in a tone that suggested even he found the situation absurd, "Xie Min? Are you inside this rabbit?"

His inner struggle was so apparent that Xie Min couldn't help but laugh. "Yep, that's right. Got a problem with that?"

24 days ago
캐릭터 간의 관계가 매우 섬세하게 묘사되어 있어, 감정적으로 깊이 연결되었습니다.
17 days ago
Isabelle Tremblay
Un chef-d'œuvre littéraire rempli de poésie et de passion. J'ai adoré chaque moment !
21 days ago
José Garcia
¡Me encanta cómo se desarrollan los personajes a lo largo de la historia! Es una lectura fascinante.
29 days ago
Jean Dupont
L'histoire est magnifiquement écrite, j'ai adoré chaque page.
20 days ago
Carlos Rodríguez
¡Una obra maestra llena de emoción y aventura!
16 days ago
Johan De Vries
Een meeslepend verhaal dat je niet kunt neerleggen.
25 days ago
Claire Dubois
Le suspense est parfaitement dosé, rendant chaque chapitre passionnant à lire.
22 days ago
Luis Hernandez
¡Me encantó cada momento de este libro, absolutamente recomendable!
30 days ago
30 days ago